Each of your 3 Tank Battalions has an integral Self-Propelled Artillery Group. Each of your 2 Motor Rifle Battalions has an integral Mortar Company. These are Battalion Artillery (see below). Additionally, you have an off-table Artillery Regiment that must be Attached Out, consisting of 2 Heavy Artillery Battalions and 1 Rocket Artillery Battalion. Each of these 3 Artillery Battalions must be Attached Out in one of the three following ways:
- To Counterbattery: Any Platoon in the Assault Group can Call In the Artillery, but it is less likely to respond when you need it. However, it can be used for counter battery fire against Israeli artillery.
- To the Assault Group: Any Platoon in the Assault Group can Call In the Artillery; it is more likely to respond than Counterbattery Artillery, but less likely to respond than Battalion Artillery. It can not be used for counter battery fire.
- To a particular Fighting Battalion: Only Platoons in the Fighting Battalion to which the Artillery is assigned can Call In the guns. It is very likely to respond.
Forward Observers
Some of your Artillery Groups and Battalions have Forward Observers (“FOs”). FOs dramatically increase the responsiveness of artillery support, so they should be placed with whichever Battalion(s) the Artillery intends to primarily support.
Ammunition Available
Your integral Artillery Groups and Mortar Companies have unlimited ammunition but may only fire High-Explosive or Smoke shells. Your Rocket Artillery Battalion has 6 fire Missions. It may fire High Explosive rockets or Non-Persistent chemical weapons. Chemical bombardments can be very powerful, but can backfire on the attacker and may slow down your attack due to time needed for donning protective gear, etc. Your 2 Heavy Artillery Battalions each have 6 Fire Missions (rounds of ammunition). A Battalion may fire High-Explosive, Smoke, or Rocket-Assisted (for longer range) shells for a cost of 1 Fire Mission, or Improved Conventional Munitions (cluster bombs) for 2 Fire Missions.
You must assign an Order to each of your 5 Fighting Battalions. The available Orders are Attack, Flank March, Timed, and Reserve. Attack Orders are drawn with an arrow; the arrowhead represents the Battalion’s objective (where it stops moving and switches to Defend). Indicate what Turn the Attack Orders commence. Battalions under Attack Orders must enter from the eastern edge of the board. Flank March Orders are identical to Attack Orders except that your unit may enter along the north-eastern edge of the board (see the map). Due to command and control inflexibility, there is a significant chance that a Battalion will arrive late. Up to 2 of your Battalions may Flank March. Timed Orders are simply a combination of other types of Orders. The Battalion will complete its first Order and then begin its second on the indicated Turn. Reserve Orders means that the Battalion is uncommitted. Do not draw an Arrow for a Reserve Battalion, but do indicate its location along the eastern table edge; this is where the order will be drawn from when you commit the Reserve. Up to 2 Battalions may be in your Reserve.

Masrat Al-Jami 1998 Golan Heights Israeli Player’s Map
Order of Battle: Assault Group “Assad“
Quality: WARPAC 2
Morale: Regular
Assault Group Headquarters
1-Headquarters: 1-HQ BTR-50PU
2-Sapper Companies, each: 2-BTR-60PB Engineer Combat Teams
1st Tank Battalion
1-Headquarters Company: 1-HQ T-72M Main Battle Tank
3-Tank Companies, each: 2-T-72M Main Battle Tanks
1-Motor Rifle Company: 3-BMP-1 Combat Teams
1-Air Defense Company: 1-ZSU-23-4 Shilka, 1-BRDM-3 (SA-9 SAM)
1-Self-Propelled Artillery Group: 1-Forward Observer, 3-2S1 122mm SP Howitzers
2nd Tank Battalion
1-Headquarters Company: 1-HQ T-72M Main Battle Tank
3-Tank Companies, each: 2-T-72M Main Battle Tanks
1-Motor Rifle Company: 3-BMP-1 Combat Teams
1-Air Defense Company: 1-ZSU-23-4 Shilka, 1-BRDM-3 (SA-9 SAM)
1-Self-Propelled Artillery Group: 1-Forward Observer, 3-2S1 122mm SP Howitzers
3rd Tank Battalion
1-Headquarters Company: 1-HQ T-72M Main Battle Tank
3-Tank Companies, each: 2-T-72M Main Battle Tanks
1-Motor Rifle Company: 3-BMP-1 Combat Teams
1-Air Defense Company: 1-ZSU-23-4 Anti-Aircraft Gun, 1-BRDM-3 (SA-9 SAM)
1-Self-Propelled Artillery Group: 1-Forward Observer, 3-2S1 SP 122mm Howitzers
4th Motor Rifle Battalion
1-Headquarters Company: 1-HQ BTR-60PB
3-Motor Rifle Companies, each: 3-BTR-60PB Combat Teams each
1-Mortar Company: 2-120mm Mortars & Trucks
1-Air Defense Company: 1-BRDM-3 (SA-9 SAM)
5th Motor Rifle Battalion
1-Headquarters Company: 1-HQ BTR-60PB
3-Motor Rifle Companies, each: 3-BTR-60PB Combat Teams
1-Mortar Company: 2-120mm Mortars & Trucks
1-Air Defense Company: 1-BRDM-3 (SA-9 SAM)
1st Artillery Regiment (off table)
2-Heavy Artillery Battalions, each: 3-2S3 152mm SP Howitzers, 1 Forward Observer
1-Rocket Battalion: 2-BM27 Multiple Rocket Launchers, 1 Forward Observer
Contributor: © 1999 Alex Macris.